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90 Days No Payments on EVERY SINGLE NEW SUV we have! DO NOT PAY for three whole months!

90 Days No Payments on EVERY SINGLE NEW SUV we have! DO NOT PAY for three whole months!

My Garage

RVR Days are Upon us!

RVR Days are Upon us!

Just like Christmas, 🎄🎄 RVR Days come but ONCE per year, and THIS YEAR they are better than ever! 🎉🎉 Slip into a brand new, feature packed Mitsubishi RVR for just $203 biweekly! ALL IN. 🙌🙌🙌 Already have a Mitsu driver in the house? The price goes below $200! 🥳🥳 That's ALL IN - taxes, fees, the mother in law - all included! 90 days No Payments, Best on gas in the Country ⛽⛽ Safest Compact SUV in Canada, Guinness World Records Record Holder for Stopping on Snow - there are so many reasons to swing in for a test drive - our stellar popcorn 🍿🍿 snacks🍪🍪 hot bevvies ☕☕ and our new showroom pacman game are just a few!!! 😉
