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90 Days No Payments on EVERY SINGLE NEW SUV we have! DO NOT PAY for three whole months!

90 Days No Payments on EVERY SINGLE NEW SUV we have! DO NOT PAY for three whole months!

My Garage

Join us for our 1st EVER Community Yard Sale & BBQ!

I know.  A dealership having a yard sale?  We LOVE this community and are often rackin' our noggins for fun free events to provide - and our Community Yard Sale & BBQ won the vote!  Do you have to come?  NO!  We have two options!

ONE:  You come, we supply the table, bring your lawnchair and junk - you pocket the proceeds!

TWO:  Drop off your junk by Thursday June 20th, and we will sell it for you, donating all proceeds to charity!

Is this going to be great?  YES!  The BBQ alone will be to die for, we do dogs and burgs right!  It's going to be a great day with our in house bbq chef's firing up the hotdogs and hamburgers etc..  Washrooms, coffee, tea, pop, drinks, water, etc. are all on hand!

And hey - if you don't have any junk to sell - please still come and shop!  Jaymee's bringing her VCR and DVD player collection to sell! Whether you are giving away your stuff, or selling it here on sight - you MUST register below by Tuesday July 18th!